Welcome to afishoutofwater.blog

Imagine yourself as both a drop of water and the vast ocean itself. That's the contradiction we live in – boundless spirit trapped in a limited human body. Regardless of your current experience and circumstances, your real essence and identity is not the image staring back at you in the mirror. The thoughts, beliefs, fears,... Continue Reading →

Featured post

You are not afraid, you experience fear.

You are not afraid, you experience fear.You are not sad. You experience sadness.You are not angry. You experience anger.You are not traumatised. You experience trauma.You are not ashamed. You experience shame. This is not said to deny the reality of your circumstances, but to offer you a doorway to healing and freedom. Use the fearUse... Continue Reading →

Mondays, Doubts, and Divine Reminders.

Many of us, myself included, experience the internal tension of being both divine essence and human. I've accepted this profound truth, yet navigating its consequences can still be a challenge. Some days I'm energized, focused, and clear. Others, doubt and daily worries cloud my mind. Yet, I'm deeply convinced of this journey's authenticity and the... Continue Reading →

No accidental encounters.

The divine and miraculous stare us in the face every day, if only we allow them to manifest. There are no chance meetings or accidental encounters. God is present in every face-to-face, every encounter, and every conversation you have today. However, God's presence is often missed, clouded by the noise and filters of our own... Continue Reading →

A personal invitation

We all share a spark of the divine within us. You are warmly invited to join my new Facebook Group - A Fish out of Water. The vision is for a warm, caring and supportive group that is both fun and exploratory. You can choose how much you want to participate in the group. There... Continue Reading →

Reality check

At some point in our journey, we all encounter a reality check. Your life, provision, source, and substance do not come from the world you perceive through your five senses. For some, it's a quiet nudge or a niggling question: 'Surely there's more to life than this?' For others, it comes as a full-blown, life-altering... Continue Reading →

The meek inherit the earth

Meekness is often mistaken for weakness, but it actually stems from inner strength, self-knowledge, and self-control. It's about having power yet choosing restraint, guided by deeper wisdom. Those who truly inherit the earth see beyond the world's illusions. They possess a 'gnosis', a hidden knowledge, about the true nature of reality. This insight isn't mere... Continue Reading →

Impregnable – the power of stories.

Narratives, once they take root, become strongholds within our minds. It matters little whether the foundation of that story is truth or falsehood. We align our perceptions and experiences with the story, and it colors our entire reality. If I tell myself you are my enemy, nothing you say or do will ever register as... Continue Reading →

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